When I was a child I always wanted to become somebody that my parents would be proud of someday. Like any other child,I also had my ultimate dream. Some of my playmates wanted to become teachers. Some of them wanted to become doctors. But I wanted to become a lawyer. But things changed as time passes by. I told myself that maybe, becoming a lawyer was not part of my destiny. It would just be one of my childhood dreams that would never become real.
From then on, I sticked to that idea that another profession aside from becoming a lawyer is my predestination. But not until I went to college. The university that I have enrolled with permitted me to see the harsh realities of life. It allowed me to see a microscopic view of our country that I love so much. I've seen poverty in its most distressed manner. I saw how ruinous the justice system we have. As my eyes,my heart,and my mind become wider to see, feel and perceive these things that my country has, there was a loud voice telling me that I should act for a change. The voice became louder telling me that if I wouldn't do something about it, our country will be in catastrophe forever.
So I decided to take a walk to become a vital catalyst for change. I realized that maybe, the least thing I could do is to pursue my dreams and bring justice to the people. But the concept of justice is not that easy to understand. Justice is not just giving more to less. Justice is not just for the oppressed,the weak,and the poor. It shouldn't be one sided alone,it should be for the both.
Now I am decided. I already took the first step to a law degree. And I hope that the fire would remain burning.