Sunday, March 28, 2010


I've been very excited for this summer not only because it's graduation time..Yey! But also this means less stress and less pressures from school! It is a perfect time to sit back and  relax.

I've been imagining how it would be to be in a beach, laying down on that cool white sand, reading a book and all you can hear are children laughing and playing and the sound of the ocean waves. That  would be cool, I think.

Sigh! How I've been longing for summer! In my four year stay in the City, I've been missing the smell of the  ocean, the gentle breeze, and the fact that I'm home. I know that this is being "nostalgiaholic" of me.

By the way, I've been indulging the crave of reading a book these past few days. And in three  days, I've finished reading Paulo Coelho's Brida and I am currently hitting John Grisham's The Partner. I plan to read Chuck Palahniuk's Survivor again by buying my own copy of the book. Maybe this  cut-off, I'll also buy Haruki Murakami's books and more of the three brilliant authors I've mentioned.


the partner


I'm unable to read books continously for ages now, and I think this would be the perfect time to do so.

1 comment:

  1. I'm unable to read books continously for ages now, and I think this would be the perfect time to do so.

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